Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lecciones de Inglés Para los Vecinos

Being in a location where it is vital to learn a new language is transformational. One must be patient, open and willing to err, over and over again, with strangers and neighbours. It is impossibile for me, in San Ramon, to rely upon glib responses, verbal adroitness and word play to define myself to others. Which tends to beg the question, without language who are we, or, for me, without the complex layers of spoken language how do I reveal who I am?
Actions and human connections become even more critical in this defining process: taking the time to acknowledge, helping the next door neighbour carry ceramic tiles, sweeping the road in front of the house..... Still, the imperative to engage in some sort of higher order dialogue is irresistible; so practice, fall, get up, practice....
Last night, I hosted the second in an ongoing series of English classes for any of the neighbours who could or cared to drop in. Lesson plans become somewhat superfluous as the level of the learners and the class varies from session to session. The common element is a desire to learn or improve language facility in a non-threatening, social environment.
As is always the case, the teacher learns at least as much as the students: for me, a real life refresher course in individual learning rates and styles and the importance of using each class as an opportunity to design more effective plans for next week. How teachers do this day after day floors me. At least for an hour or so a week, I get to chum around with others facing similar learning challenges.

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