Monday, March 9, 2015

Some Things Change; Others Remain the Same

Well, it has been a few years since I have composed and posted on the blog. So... a summary, albeit brief, of events in the barrio of our casa in San Ramón since February 2013.

While there have been many significant changes and events:

Babies were born.
Babies grew into children.
First Communions were celebrated.
A new corner store opened at the bottom of the hill.
The streets downtown were changed from two-way to one-way (don't get the old-timer started on this one).
A new house was built right across the street.
The neighbour fell off his motorcycle and broke his leg and ankle trying to avoid a small dog chasing him.
The neighbour is recovering, and the small dog is still chasing people who dare to walk, cycle or drive by his crib.

Some things remain relatively constant:

Despite my slow improvement in understanding and using Spanish, my lack of proficiency still rears its head causing me far too many humbling moments.
Not too long ago, one of the neighbours dropped by and told me she would like a little present, some eggs, to be more precise (at least that's what I understood). I was a tad perplexed as it seemed a rather odd request; however, being a good vecino, I opened the fridge to discover I had four eggs. Since I really wanted at least one of them for breakfast, I pulled out three of them and gallantly offered them to her.
She looked at me, looked at the eggs, looked back at me and started giggling, a giggle that soon became a loud laugh.
Questions flashed through my brain: Are the eggs too small? Did she notice I kept one? Was she offended because I did not gift wrap them?
Answers were forthcoming. Huevos are Spanish for eggs; Jueves is Spanish for Thursday. It turns out she came to tell me that her child was making me a present in school and would give it to me on Thursday. At least I comprehended that a gift was somehow involved!

Being a visual learner, I attached a picture to my fridge to remind myself that things are not always as they sound, to think before I act, and to question before I respond.

It was a nice present, and the neighbour took the eggs.