Saturday, April 3, 2010

But Before I Return Home......

I am returning to Vancouver on April 17th. Today, the papers issued the following announcement:

Running Of The Bulls Pamplona Style Will Be Imitated In San Ramón

In the best tradition of Pamplona, Spain, the city of San Ramón, Alajuela, will have its own running of the bulls on April 16.

The city has been busy building organizing its own running of the bulls that will see the bulls run through some city streets instead of being confined in a bull ring.

The running of the bulls of San Ramón will start at 5pm on April 16 and for two weekends more to raise funds for a school and a colleged in the city.

Of course, many of the business owners of the La Sabana street, one of the streets that will be used in the run, are questioning the activity.

To ensure public safety, the city is erecting posts and fences to control contact between the bulls and bystanders.

The running of the bulls of San Ramón will not be like the savage fiestas of San Fermín in Spain where people run ahead of the raging bulls that has resulted in deaths, in the running of the bulls of San Ramón people will be allowed to run alongside and at the rear of the bulls, but not in front.

I am a little disappointed we will be unable to run in front of the bulls.

1 comment:

  1. "Running alongside the bull" sounds like a metaphor for the last stages of your career.

    Should be a unique sure to take lots of photos and keep your head up!
